Adaptability is a key to success, according to the CEO of Monte Xanic

Adaptability is a key to success, according to the CEO of Monte Xanic.

9 de enero de 2022
Foto: Dalia Empower

MEXICO CITY. While many companies faced the crisis that stemmed from the pandemic with great difficulty, Mexican winery Monte Xanic saw business and growth opportunities. During a remote interview with Dalia Empower, its CEO, Hans Backhoff, claimed that having the ability to adapt to new market trends and going after the opportunities that arose, even through adversity, has been one of the keys to the revenue growth of 25% last year, compared to 2019, before the pandemic.

Backhoff states that innovation in business processes was also one of the main strategies, which he explains in the masterclass he teaches on Dalia Masters, titled How to Revolutionize an Industry, available now in Dalia Empower’s digital platform to be taken in the comfort of your own home, at any given moment and at your own pace.

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Dalia Masters is the online masterclass program from Dalia specializing in life skills, also known as soft skills. Sharing his expertise and knowledge in this class, Backhoff joins Dalia instructors such as Silvina Moschini, Paola Rojas, and brothers Billy and Fernando Rovzar, producers of Netflix’s TV series Monarca and Control Z.

The wine entrepreneur pointed out to News+Media, Dalia Empower’s information and content platform, that Monte Xanic’s advantage was that it already had an e-commerce platform in place since they sensed beforehand that this was a necessary move given the digitization of business. As a result, the annual sales growth in that sector was 1600%.

“Every place they were sold in went under; so many brands put all their eggs in one basket and bet everything on restaurants to create brand value because that’s what perception of value was for, and we didn’t have to deal with that, fortunately […] We grew about 1600% in everything e-commerce compared to the previous year and that’s because we had the platforms to achieve that,” he claimed.

Also read: Hans Backhoff: innovative leadership that put Mexican wines on top

The presence Monte Xanic has had in the market for 35 years, the awards it has won, and the fact that it’s been cataloged as one of the best wineries has taken them to the export arena, and so continuing to grow.

Firstly, the brand wanted to consolidate the interest in Mexican wine domestically before taking it to foreign tables. It was precisely the pandemic that allowed it to explore international markets, and that’s where the expansion intends to move toward now.

The CEO stated that, currently, the company exports around 6% of its production, a number that will grow to 20% within three years with its entry into quality-demanding markets such as the US.

“When you realize the number of opportunities that are out there, risk diversification is important too, and we’ve just experienced this in 2020 with the pandemic,” he stated.

Silvia Moschini, a key player in tech startups, teaches a masterclass in entrepreneurship for Dalia Masters

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