6 essential skills for hybrid leadership

Human resource should satisfy the most sought-after soft skills, according to a study by PageGroup.

2 de febrero de 2022
Foto: Pixabay
Foto: Pixabay

MEXICO CITY. The progress in Covid-19 vaccination and the evolution of the pandemic globally after two years of sanitary crisis has led millions of companies to switch from a 100% remote work model to a hybrid one, which brings new challenges in team management as well as skills. One of the most important ones is being able to generate a sense of community, according to a study by PageGroup.

At present, close to 44.3% of working people surveyed in Latin America do so in a hybrid format, that is, some days at the office and some days at home, as shown in the Perspective Study 2022 LATAM from the human resources consulting firm. Only 20% of people work exclusively from home.

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The report also points out that 40% of organizations are certain of keeping this model for the present year. A different document from KPMG published a few days ago -Perspectives from Higher Management in Mexico 2022- reveals that 57% of executives in the country have implemented a hybrid work model.

“Out of the various determinant factors that influence the decision of maintaining this work model, the most important one is the incentive of team interaction (46.1%), followed by productivity (33.7%), which was mentioned several times among those surveyed,” the PageGroup analysis explains.

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The survey suggests that leaders face the task to develop and cultivate a very specific array of skills for this new work phase of the pandemic. The following are the most mentioned skills for hybrid leadership by almost 3 thousand collaborators from different areas surveyed in seven Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, and Peru):

  1. Digital tools management
  2. Teammate empowerment
  3. Respect for job hours
  4. Creation of a sense of community
  5. Offering emotional support
  6. Uncertainty management

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The most sought-after skills in 2022

The document also shows the skills that have had the most demand this year. Soft skills are socio-emotional skills necessary to promote healthy relationships for a lifetime, that’s why continuing education project Dalia Empower has proclaimed them ‘life skills’. Among them are resilience, creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, empathy, or self-assurance, which have become essential for the global job market in the digitization and technology era, which the pandemic accelerated.

  1. Adaptability
  2. Creative thinking
  3. Teamwork
  4. Emotional intelligence
  5. Resilience

Also read: Adaptability is a key to success, according to the CEO of Monte Xanic

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