In LATAM, only 23% of key managerial positions in companies are held by women.

It's time to change. Join our movement.

Our mission is to accelerate the closing of the gender gap

Transforming corporate cultures towards inclusion, diversity, and equality, and through life skills development programs.
  • Valuable content
  • Professional training programs
  • Exclusive networking
Women Working

Women's rights are not guaranteed

As of 2020, the World Economic Forum estimated that it would take 100 years to achieve gender equality worldwide. The Covid-19 pandemic delayed this achievement to 130 years.
  • 2020

    Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women
    Women experienced a job loss 1.8 times greater than men. Additionally, family violence increased significantly during lockdowns.

  • 2021

    Educational setback
    More than 11 million girls may not return to school after the pandemic, increasing the risk of educational inequality and limiting future opportunities.

  • 2022

    Insufficient efforts
    Despite efforts, the female employment rate did not recover at the same pace as the male rate, highlighting the need for policies focused on closing the gender gap exacerbated by the pandemic.

Dalia Talks

Smart content for Powerful Women.

Business Packages

Discover our customized offer for companies, designed to promote a more inclusive and diverse work environment.
Women Working

Strategic Allies

In collaboration with our strategic allies, we expand the impact towards gender equality in the workplace.

Corporate Clients

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Women shaping the future of leadership.

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